Gold Ore Mining Processing Crusher


Gold-ore-mining-plantGold is essential minerals among the Ghana ore resources. About 2 billion ounces of gold in 1994, has proven reserves of 31.672 million ounces, has worked for more than 500 years, and now is still available for mining gold reserves in more than 700 years. Nowaday, the small type gold crusher are widely used in gold mine mining. Here we can give you more support on Ghana gold mining and processing.

In Ghana, some of kefid company customer have choose modern gold ore mining and processing equipment and technology. New type crusher can highly increase gold mining capacity and efficiency. Here is a complete set of 5.5 Mtpa gold ore mining crushing and grinding configuration, feed rate of the equipment, including the jaw crusher, single stage sag mill, gravity circuit, flotation circuit, return materials ball mill, centralized CIL circuit and elution circuit for processing. There maybe also need other machines.

Welcome counseling our online customer service, equipment for quotations, technical parameters material, gold ore processing line configuration. Kefid have also supplied copper ore crushing plant to Ghana, silver ore processing equipment in Ghana, iron ore beneficiation equipment in Ghana, and so on. Welcome to consult us for mineral ore mining and crushing technical parameters material.